יום ראשון, 21 ביוני 2009

Project 48 hours - Neta F L A 17-19 of June

Highlights at link
Project 48 hours is an international competition that is held every year and its main goal is to create a short movie (4-7 min) from scratch in 48 hours. Neta FLA is a short film that was produced in a small apartment in RamatGan TelAviv by 22 people with allot of motivation. Director: Barak Drori (we did our final 3D project together). Animation director: Uri inxThe project began on Wednesday at 18:30 and was handed 3 minutes before deadline - which means Friday at 18:27. We were supposed to do a silent movie - every group got a different genre. It was decided to do 2D animation and live action, composite together. My part was: Digitization, Compositing, and staying awake forever. Yair Catz composite part of the shots

Highlights composites

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